Deep Learning Camp: Exploring Buildings Change Detection through Deep Learning & Remote Sensing

About Deep Learning Camp: Exploring Buildings Change Detection through Deep Learning & Remote Sensing

Welcome to the Deep Learning Camp, where you'll embark on a comprehensive journey through change detection, remote sensing, and deep learning. This camp is structured to provide a holistic understanding of change detection, starting with the basics of remote sensing, followed by a deep dive into deep learning, and culminating with a practical demonstration of how to create a deep learning model for building change detection.

Camp Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Remote Sensing: Begin by understanding the fundamental principles of remote sensing, including how satellites and sensors collect valuable data about our environment.
  2. Deep Learning Fundamentals: Explore the world of deep learning, covering neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and more, setting the stage for its role in change detection.
  3. Change Detection Basics: Grasp the essential concepts and techniques involved in change detection, particularly focusing on changes in buildings.
  4. Practical Showcase: Witness a live demonstration of the steps and results involved in creating a deep learning model for building change detection using KhalifaSat images custom dataset.
  5. Hands-on Labeling of a Custom Dataset for Building Change Detection: Engage in practical exercises where you’ll learn how to label a custom dataset for building change detection, a critical step in model training.
  6. Networking: Connect with a diverse community of technology and environmental enthusiasts who share your passion for innovation.
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